Games of Daze
Infomagic - Games of Daze (Summer 1995) (Disc 1 of 2).iso
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Assembly Source File
551 lines
; Async Module.
MODEL compact
EOI equ 020h ; 8259 end-of-interupt
Ctrl8259_0 equ 020h ; 8259 port
Ctrl8259_1 equ 021h ; 8259 port (Masks)
BufSize equ 8196 ; Buffer Size
; Various things to be set upon AsyncInit()
VectorNum db ? ; Vector Number
EnableIRQ db ? ; Mask to enable 8259 IRQ
DisableIRQ db ? ; Mask to disable 8259 IRQ
VectorSeg dw ? ; Old Vector Segment
VectorOfs dw ? ; Old Vector Offset
; Register Addresses for the 8250 UART
Port dw ? ; Port Base Address
LABEL RegStart word
THR dw ? ; Transmitter Holding Register
RDR dw ? ; Reciever Data Register
BRDL dw ? ; Baud Rate Divisor, Low byte
BRDH dw ? ; Baud Rate Divisor, High Byte
IER dw ? ; Interupt Enable Register
IIR dw ? ; Interupt Identification Register
LCR dw ? ; Line Control Register
MCR dw ? ; Modem Control Register
LSR dw ? ; Line Status Register
MSR dw ? ; Modem Status Register
; Buffer Data
RecBuffer db BufSize DUP (?) ; Recieve Buffer
RecHead dw ? ; Buffer Head Pointer
RecTail dw ? ; Buffer Tail Pointer
TransBuffer db BufSize DUP (?) ; Transmit Buffer
TransHead dw ? ; Buffer Head Pointer
TransTail dw ? ; Buffer Tail Pointer
; Register Offsets for the UART
RegOffsets dw 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
PUBLIC _AsyncInit, _AsyncClear, _AsyncStop
PUBLIC _AsyncIn, _AsyncOut, _AsyncSet
PUBLIC _AsyncHand, _AsyncStat, _AsyncInStat
PUBLIC _AsyncOutStat
; AsyncClear Empty the recieve buffer
; void AsyncClear( void);
PROC _AsyncClear
push ax
mov ax, offset RecBuffer
mov [RecHead], ax
mov [RecTail], ax
mov ax, offset TransBuffer
mov [TransHead], ax
mov [TransTail], ax
pop ax
ENDP _AsyncClear
; AsyncInit Initalize Serial Port and install ISR
; void AsyncInit( int port)
; Where Port is
; 0 = COM1
; 1 = COM2
; 2 = COM3
; 3 = COM4
PROC _AsyncInit
ARG CommPort:word
push bp
mov bp, sp
;---- Set various things according to com port number
mov ax, [CommPort]
;----- COM1
cmp ax, 0
jne @@1
mov [Port], 03F8h
mov [VectorNum], 0Ch
mov [EnableIRQ], 0EFh
mov [DisableIRQ], 10h
jmp @@Done
;----- COM2
cmp ax, 1
jne @@2
mov [Port], 02F8h
mov [VectorNum], 0Bh
mov [EnableIRQ], 0F7h
mov [DisableIRQ], 08h
jmp @@Done
;----- COM3
cmp ax, 2 ; 2
jne @@3
mov [Port], 03E8h ; 03E8
mov [VectorNum], 0Ch ; 0C
mov [EnableIRQ], 0EFh ; EF
mov [DisableIRQ], 10h ; 10
jmp @@Done
;----- COM4
mov [Port], 02E8h ; 02E8
mov [VectorNum], 0Bh ; 0B
mov [EnableIRQ], 0F7h ; F7
mov [DisableIRQ], 08h ; 08
;---- Compute Register locations
mov cx, 10
mov bx, offset RegOffsets
push di
mov di, offset RegStart
mov ax, [bx]
add ax, [Port]
mov [di], ax
add bx, 2
add di, 2
loop @@4
pop di
;----- Initalize Buffer
call _AsyncClear
;--- Save and reassign interrupt vector
push ds ; Save Old Vector
mov al,[VectorNum]
mov ah,35h
int 21h
mov [VectorSeg], es
mov [VectorOfs], bx
mov al, [VectorNum]
push cs ; Set New Vector
pop ds
mov dx, offset AsyncISR
mov ah, 25h
int 21h
pop ds
;----- Enable 8259 interrupt (IRQ) line for this async adapter
in al, Ctrl8259_1
and al, [EnableIRQ]
out Ctrl8259_1, al
;----- Enable 8250 Interrupt-on-data-ready
mov dx, [LCR] ; Read Line control register and clear
in al, dx ; bit 7, the Divisor Latch Address
and al, 07Fh
out dx, al
mov dx, [IER]
mov al, 0 ;we're gonna test the UART first
out dx, al
in al, dx ;if this isn't 0, there's no UART
cmp al, 0
jnz @@222
mov al, 3
out dx, al
;----- Clear 8250 Status and data registers
mov dx, [RDR] ; Clear RDR by reading port
in al, dx
mov dx, [LSR] ; Clear LSR
in al, dx
mov dx, [MSR] ; Clear MSR
in al, dx
mov dx, [IIR] ; Clear IIR
in al, dx
test al, 1
jz @@10
;----- Set Bit 3 of MCR -- Enable interupts
mov dx, [MCR]
in al, dx
or al, 08h
out dx, al
;----- Clear Buffer Just in case
call _AsyncClear
;----- Return
xor ax, ax
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncInit
; AsyncStop Uninstall ISR
; void AsyncStop( void)
PROC _AsyncStop
push bp
mov bp, sp
;----- Mask (disable) 8259 IRQ Interrupt
in al, Ctrl8259_1
or al, [DisableIRQ]
out Ctrl8259_1, al
;----- Disable 8250 interrupt
mov dx, [LCR]
in al, dx
and al, 07Fh
out dx, al
mov dx, [IER]
xor al, al
out dx, al
;----- Set bit 3 in MCR to 0
mov dx, [MCR]
in al, dx
and al, 0F7h
out dx, al
;----- Interrupts are disables. Restore saved interrupt vector.
push ds
mov al, [VectorNum]
mov ah, 25h
mov dx, [VectorOfs]
mov ds, [VectorSeg]
int 21h
pop ds
;----- Return
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncStop
; AsyncISR Async Interrupt Service Routine
; To be called only as an interrupt.
push ax ; Save Registers
push bx
push ds
push dx
mov ax, @data ; Address local data with ds
mov ds, ax
mov dx, [IIR] ; Check if data actually recieved
in al, dx
and al, 06h
cmp al, 04h
je @@recieve
cmp al, 02h
jne @@end
;----- Transmit A byte
mov bx, [TransTail]
cmp bx, [TransHead]
jne @@1
mov dx, [IER] ; Buffer empty
mov al, 1
out dx, al ; Disable THR empty interrupt
jmp @@end
mov al, [byte ptr bx] ; Get Byte
inc [TransTail] ; Update buffer pointer
cmp [word ptr TransTail], offset TransBuffer + BufSize
jb @@2
mov [TransTail], offset TransBuffer
mov dx, [THR]
out dx, al
jmp @@end
;----- Recieve a byte
mov dx, [RDR] ; Get Byte
in al, dx
mov bx, [RecHead] ; Store Byte in buffer
mov [byte ptr bx], al
inc bx ; Update RecHead
cmp bx, offset RecBuffer + BufSize
jb @@10
mov bx, offset RecBuffer
cmp bx, [RecTail]
jne @@20
mov bx, [RecHead] ; Cancel Pointer advance on overflow
mov [RecHead], bx ; Store new pointer
mov al, EOI ; Signal end ot interrupt
out Ctrl8259_0, al
; Disable and re-enable interrupts so that there
; is an interrupt edge.
mov dx,[IER] ; Point to Interrupt Enable Register.
in al,dx ; Read the current value.
push ax ; Save it.
mov al,0 ; Disable the interrupts.
out dx,al
pop ax ; Restore original mask.
out dx,al ; Re-enable interrupts.
pop dx ; Restore saved registers.
pop ds
pop bx
pop ax
; AsyncIn Gets a byte from the input buffer
; int AsyncIn( void)
PROC _AsyncIn
push bp
mov bp, sp
xor ax, ax ; Pre-Set result to 0
mov bx, [RecTail]
cmp bx, [RecHead]
je @@return
mov al, [byte ptr bx]
inc [RecTail]
cmp [word ptr RecTail], offset RecBuffer + BufSize
jb @@return
mov [RecTail], offset RecBuffer
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncIn
; AsyncOut Output a byte
; void AsyncOut( int c)
PROC _AsyncOut
ARG CharOut:word
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax, [CharOut]
mov bx, [TransHead]
mov cx, bx
inc cx ; Compute NEW buffer position
cmp cx, offset TransBuffer + BufSize
jb @@1
mov cx, offset TransBuffer
cmp cx, [TransTail] ; Wait for space in buffer
je @@1
mov [byte ptr bx], al ; Add byte to buffer
mov [TransHead], cx ; Update pointer
mov dx, [IER] ; Enable THR empty interrupt
mov al, 3
out dx, al
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncOut
; AsyncSet Set communication paramaters
; void AsyncSet( int Baud, int Control)
; Baud = 150, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 28800, 38400, 57600
; Control = The valure to place in the LCR
PROC _AsyncSet
ARG Baud:word, Control:word
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov bx, [Baud]
cmp bx, 0
je @@abort
mov ax, 0C200h ; Baud rate divisor = 115200 / Baud
mov dx, 0001h ; 115200 = 0001C200h
div bx
mov cx, ax
mov dx, [LCR] ; Set Port Toggle to BRDL/BRDH registers
mov al, 0ffh
out dx, al
mov dx, [BRDL] ; Set Baud Rate
mov al, cl
out dx, al
mov dx, [BRDH]
mov al, ch
out dx, al
mov dx, [LCR] ; Set LCR and Port Toggle
mov ax, [Control]
and al, 07Fh
out dx, al
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncSet
; AsyncInStat Returns the # of characters in buffer
; int AsyncInStat( void)
PROC _AsyncInStat
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax,[RecHead]
sub ax, [RecTail]
jge @@10
add ax, BufSize
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncInStat
; AsyncOutStat Returns the # of characters in buffer
; int AsyncOutStat( void)
PROC _AsyncOutStat
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov ax,[TransHead]
sub ax, [TransTail]
jge @@10
add ax, BufSize
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncOutStat
; AsyncHand Sets various handshaking lines
; void AsyncHand( int Hand)
PROC _AsyncHand
ARG Hand:word
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov dx, [MCR]
mov ax, [Hand]
or al, 08h ; Keep interrupt enable ON
out dx, al
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncHand
; AsyncStat Returns Async/Modem status
; unsigned AsyncStat( void)
; MSR is returned in the high byte, LSR in the low byte
PROC _AsyncStat
push bp
mov bp, sp
mov dx, [MSR]
in al, dx
mov cl, al
mov dx, [LSR]
in al, dx ; LSR in low byte
mov ah, cl ; MSR in high byte
pop bp
ENDP _AsyncStat